40. Can staff time dedicated to the provision of Development Services count as financing activity for the purposes of the Financing Entity test?

Consistent with CDFI Fund regulations, Development Services are not considered as assets or staff time that support the direct provision of Financial Products and/or Financial Services. However, Applicants may disregard staff time dedicated to the provision of Development Services when calculating their predominant activity.

43. Are Applicants able to use Financial Services to demonstrate service to a Target Market?

A Depository Institution that has directed less than 60% but at least 50% of either the dollar volume or the total number of its Financial Products to one or more eligible Target Market(s), also has the option of meeting the Target Market test by demonstrating that at least 60% of its total unique depository account9 holders are members of one or more eligible Target Market(s) AND that it delivers to one or more eligible Target Market(s) at least:

44. For the purposes of meeting the Target Market requirements through the Financial Services option, what is the definition of a "unique depository account holder"?

A unique depository account holder is an individual or other legal entity, other than a government entity, that can be identified through the use of a unique identifier - such as a Taxpayer Identification Number; a passport number and country of issuance; an alien identification card number; or a number and country of issuance of any other government-issued document evidencing nationality or residence and bearing a photograph or similar safeguard – and that holds a depository account (e.g., share, checking, certificates of deposit, money market) at a depository institution.

47. Are Applicants still required to submit a map of their Target Market?

The revised Application no longer requires Applicants to submit a map for a pre-qualified Investment Area consisting only of individual census tracts that the CDFI Fund has determined meet one or more of the statutory economic distress criteria, or for a pre-qualified Targeted Population (either Low-Income Targeted Population or Other Targeted Population).