Interested in the Small Dollar Loan Program? Get Ready to Apply Today!

Update: March 31, 2021:The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) staff will hold an informational pre-application webinar for the Small Dollar Loan Program on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Topics covered will include setting up your critical and accounts, adjusting your organizational profile in the Awards Management Information System (AMIS), and other ways your organization can prepare in advance for the FY 2021 application round.

Small Dollar Loan Program Pre-Application Webinar

Message from CDFI Fund Director Jodie Harris: A Glimpse at the CDFI Fund’s Calendar

As we get deeper into 2021, I have heard from many of you asking when the application periods for the CDFI Fund’s various programs will open. I understand that in this difficult economic climate our programs are needed now more than ever. I also understand concerns that I have heard about the possibility that CDFIs and other community development organizations may have to work on multiple applications at the same time.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief: Prepare NOW to Apply for the CDFI Rapid Response Program

Update February 11, 2021: The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) staff will hold an informational pre-application webinar for the CDFI Rapid Response Program on Thursday, February 18, 2021. Topics covered will include setting up your critical and accounts, adjusting your organizational profile in the Awards Management Information System (AMIS), and other ways your organization can prepare in advance for the FY 2021 application round.

CDFI Rapid Response Program Pre-Application Webinar

It's Time to Start Preparing for the FY 2021 CDFI Program and NACA Program Application!

Interested in applying to the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2021 funding round for the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) and Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program)? You may find the following information helpful in getting started. The CDFI Fund is tentatively planning to open the FY 2021 CDFI Program and NACA Program application round in the first quarter of calendar year 2021.