CDFI Certification

I am pleased to unveil the new symbol of CDFI Certification: the Certified CDFI Logo.

In 2012 the Catalyst Paper Mill closed in Navajo County, AZ. The closure of the mill sounded the death knell for the historic Apache Railway in the Town of Snowflake, AZ.

Los Angeles' Vermont Knolls neighborhood is a high-need community of approximately 22,000 residents of which nearly one-third have incomes under the federal poverty level.

Medina Creative Housing (MCH) helps individuals with disabilities successfully integrate into their communities.

I was pleased to attend the recent CDFI Coalition Institute here in Washington, DC.

Baltimore, Maryland is still remembered as a city in turmoil after the April 12, 2015 civil unrest that followed the death of Freddie Gray.

Rufino's Painting and Construction (Rufino's Painting) is a full service construction firm that specializes in painting and drywall.

Phillips County, Arkansas is situated in what was once one of the most prosperous parts of the nation - the Arkansas Delta.

In October 2016, the CDFI Fund released a five-year strategic plan.  You can read the plan here.  One of the