If you would like to make a request for the CDFI Fund Director or a staff member to attend or speak at an event, please send an e-mail to lea@cdfi.treas.gov, with the subject line “Speaker Request,” that contains all of the required information listed below. If you would like more than one staff member to attend, please complete one request that contains the following information for all staff members requested.
Important notes: As of February 2025, the CDFI Fund is only considering invitations for appearances at virtual events, or events that can accommodate a virtual component to their agenda. In addition, please submit your scheduling request for an event that is at least two months away from today’s date. Thank you.
Contact Information for Requestor
- Prefix:
- First and Last Name:
- Organization:
- Work Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
- Cell Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
- E-mail Address:
- Organization's Website:
Event Information -- Overall Event
- Name of Event:
- Overview of Event: Including the type of event, the event theme, the length of the entire event, and if the event is widely attended.
- Date(s) of Event (mm/dd/yyyy):
- Begin and End Time of Event:
- Local Time Zone:
- Location and Type of Event Facility: Including name of location, address, city, and state, and if it is an indoor or outdoor location.
- Hosting Group name: If different from Requestor information.
- Day-of Contact Person: If different from Requestor information; include a phone number and e-mail address for the day of the event.
Requested CDFI Fund Staff Participation
- CDFI Fund Staff Member(s):
- Speech or Panel Topic:
- Start and End Time of Staff Public Attendance at Event:
- Length of Time for Staff Member(s) Remarks:
- Speaker Bio/Photo Request: Yes or No
- Name of Person Introducing Staff Member(s):
- Other Participating Principals: For example, additional panelists, other speakers at the event, other officials at a ceremony, etc.
- Audience for the Event: Including types of organizations, public agencies or officials, etc.
- Estimated Number of Attendees:
- Open to Public: Yes or No; if yes, please include when registration will open for the public if applicable
- Open to Press: Yes or No; if yes, please include name and contact information for the press contact for the event
- Known Media Outlets Attending: If applicable.
- Social Media or Press Strategy for Event: If applicable, including if there will be any media releases, event hashtags, or other public postings around the event.
Additional Information
Please provide any additional information that will help us review your request, including event agendas, RSVP lists, background materials, or any other documentation.