3. If an organization was notified that its CDFI Certification Application is declined, will the CDFI Fund offer an explanation why?

FAQ Question
3. If an organization was notified that its CDFI Certification Application is declined, will the CDFI Fund offer an explanation why?
FAQ Answer

If an organization’s CDFI Certification Application is declined, the CDFI Fund will provide a detailed debriefing document within 30 days of notifying the organization of the declined Application. The debriefing document will specify the CDFI Certification criteria that were not met by the Applicant as well as the reason why the Applicant did not meet the criteria.

For example, Loan Fund XYZ’s Application was declined due to the Applicant not using a pre-approved Target Market Assessment Methodology in identifying Financial Product originations as Target Market-directed. The debriefing memorandum will first identify the Applicant’s issue meeting the CDFI Certification Target Market requirements. Then, the CDFI Fund will explain that the financing activity presented as directed to a proposed Target Market component could not be accepted due to the improper use of Target Market Assessment Methodologies for proposed Target Market type.