46. Once an entity is certified, what happens if a CDFI falls below the Target Market benchmarks during a given fiscal year?

FAQ Question
46. Once an entity is certified, what happens if a CDFI falls below the Target Market benchmarks during a given fiscal year?
FAQ Answer

Once Certified, to maintain Certification, Certified CDFIs must demonstrate compliance with the Target Market percentage benchmarks each fiscal year. After initial certification (or recertification) through the current Application and a Certified CDFI’s first two ACR submissions, a Certified CDFI that fails to meet the Target Market benchmarks, based on its Financial Products and/or Financial Services activity, over its most recently completed fiscal year may maintain its Certification by demonstrating that it met the benchmarks over a three-year period through the last day of its most recently completed fiscal year – as measured by the data submitted in the CDFI’s three most recent TLRs, including as part of its Certification Application if necessary(a Certified CDFI that fails to meet the Target Market benchmarks for the previous fiscal year in its first ACR submission will have the option to be evaluated over a two-year period through the last day of its most recently completed fiscal year). Certified CDFIs that still fall below the Target Market benchmarks over three full fiscal years of financing activity in their TLR (or over two full fiscal years for those with less than two years of Certification under the current Application) will be decertified and no additional cure period will be granted.