Yes, it does matter. Part of the TLR’s Target Market Calculator’s logic is based on the names given to a Target Market in AMIS and CIMS. For AMIS, the relevant data field is the “Market Name” data field on the “CDFI Certification Market” object. For CIMS, the relevant data field is the “Map Name” data field for each Target Market map created. In order for the Target Market Calculator to work correctly when analyzing Target Market activity in any type of customized Investment Area, the name of each customized Investment Area map created in CIMS must match the name of the “Market Name” data field entered into the CDFI Certification Market. If the names do not match exactly and an Applicant has more than one type of customized Investment Area or multiples of the same type, then the Target Market Calculator may not correctly calculate Target Market activity—which affects whether a CDFI Certification Application can be submitted.
For example, if an Applicant enters “NonMetro CIA Fulton County” for the “Map Name” field in CIMS when they create their non-metro county-wide customized Investment Area, then they must enter “NonMetro CIA Fulton County” for the “Market Name” data field on the “CDFI Certification Market” object and select “IA – Non-Metro counties/parishes” for “Market Type” data field.