77. How will the CDFI Fund assess the 3-year Target Market percentage in the new ACR?

FAQ Question
77. How will the CDFI Fund assess the 3-year Target Market percentage in the new ACR?
FAQ Answer

The 3-year Target Market percentage will be calculated by assessing an entity’s cumulative Target Market activity over three full fiscal years (the most recently completed fiscal year being reported on in the ACR and the two preceding fiscal years) divided by their total lending activity over the same time period to assess whether the Target Market activity thresholds for dollar amount and count of transactions have been met. It is not an average of the Target Market activity percentages for each of the three years. The three-year assessment will commence once an entity has been Certified under the revised CDFI Certification application.

The CDFI Fund will allow entities to have a mix of ACS datasets across the three years. For example, year 1 could use the 2011-2015 ACS data file while years 2 and 3 use the 2016-2020 ACS data file. However, entities cannot mix ACS data file vintages within a reporting year. An entity must pick one ACS data vintage and use it throughout that year.

Entities will not be required to recode the geography of previously submitted TLR records.

Certified CDFIs that still fall below the Target Market benchmarks over three full fiscal years of financing activity in their TLR (or over two full fiscal years for those with less than two years of Certification under the current Application) will be decertified and no additional cure period will be granted.