83. Do regulated financial institutions need to report on specific OTP types in the Consumer Loans section of the TLR?

FAQ Question
83. Do regulated financial institutions need to report on specific OTP types in the Consumer Loans section of the TLR?
FAQ Answer

Yes, if a regulated financial institution intends to serve an OTP Target Market, it now must report the aggregated consumer loan transaction totals for each specific OTP type in the Consumer Loans/Investments TLR Object. This information is necessary to determine how regulated financial institutions are serving their proposed or approved component(s) of their Target Market. 

Applicants must count a transaction for only one OTP category regardless of whether it qualifies for more than one. 

  • The dollar amount entered for the “OTP Amount” data field must add up to the dollar amount sum of the individual OTP category data fields, such as “OTP Amount Native American,” “OTP Amount Native Alaskan,” and so on. 
  • The number entered for “OTP Number” data field must add up to the number sum of the individual category data fields, such as “OTP Number Native American” or “OTP Number Native Alaskan,” and so on