New CDFI FA, NMTC AMIS Compliance and Reporting Forms Available in August

Late TLR Submitters have until July 31st to Submit using Current TLR Template

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) is deploying new Transaction Level Report (TLR) templates for use by Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) and Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) Financial Assistance (FA) and New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) Recipients. The updated templates will be available for use in the Awards Management Information System (AMIS) beginning August 1, 2020. Organizations will be able to access the new templates through the "Reports" tab in AMIS.

Please note that those organizations that will be submitting their 2019 TLR late (after the due date indicated in their AMIS reporting schedule), but would like to do so using their current TLR template, must submit and certify their 2019 report by July 31, 2020. Any organizations that submit their 2019 report after July 31, 2020 must use the updated TLR template.

The CDFI Fund will provide updated guidance materials for the new TLR templates in early August. The new templates and guidance will permit organizations to update their loan processing software to align with the revisions in the respective TLR templates.

For additional information or questions, please contact the CDFI Fund's Certification and Compliance Help Desk via email at, phone at (202) 653-0421, or through an AMIS Service Request.

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