Update for 2017 CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Applicants: Application Workshop and Deadlines

To prepare potential applicants for the fiscal year (FY) 2017 round of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has announced that it will conduct one (1) two-day workshop for potential applicants on February 22 & 23, 2017 at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219.

The workshop will expand the CDFI industry's knowledge of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program and will provide information about the application process, including the review and evaluation of applications. It will cover the following topics: Introduction to the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, General Recourse-Secured Structure, Case Study, and Applications Overview. In addition, certification, capitalization, and structuring requirements for Qualified Issuers that wish to use an alternative financing structure during the FY 2017 round of the program will be covered. Specifically, the workshop will include an in-depth discussion of the financial structure of the program, including:

  • Roles of the Qualified Issuer, Program Administrator, and Servicer;
  • Certification, capitalization, and structuring requirements of the Alternative Financing Structure;
  • Capital Distribution Plan requirements;
  • Eligible CDFI and Secondary Loan Requirements;
  • Costs of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program;
  • Review processes for the Qualified Issuer and Guarantee Applications;
  • Reporting; and
  • Compliance-related activities.

Attendees of the workshop will have the opportunity to ask the CDFI Fund staff questions and receive clarification about the topics covered in the workshop.

Prospective program participants and certified CDFIs are strongly encouraged to attend the workshops. In addition, the CDFI Fund encourages the participation of community development trade groups and associations, and others interested in community economic development finance.


As the workshop will be held in a secure federal building, registration is required. The workshops are free of charge; however, due to limited space, registration will be honored on a first come, first served basis. Up to fifty (50) potential applicants may attend. The CDFI Fund will release information on how to register for the workshop by January 24, 2017.

For interested parties unable to attend the in-person application workshop, the presentation materials will be posted to the CDFI Fund's website, www.cdfifund.gov/bond.  


Questions about the workshops can be directed to the CDFI Fund's CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Help Desk at bgp@cdfi.treas.gov or (202) 653-0421, option 5. Learn more about the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program at www.cdfifund.gov/bond or by viewing the program's fact sheet.

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