AMIS is Coming!

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) will soon be implementing a new enterprise-wide Awards Management Information System (AMIS). Beginning August 2015 through the fall of 2016, the CDFI Fund will transition from using the myCDFIFund Portal to using AMIS to track organization and application information.

AMIS will completely replace the myCDFIFund Portal as well as the systems and services available from the portal. Therefore, all organizations/individuals doing business with the CDFI Fund will be required to use AMIS. CIMS3 and CIIS will not be replaced by the transition to AMIS at this time.

CDFI Fund applicants, awardees, and allocatees can expect many benefits from AMIS, including online certification and awards applications, easier maintenance of organizational data, enhanced data integration, and a more streamlined process for acceptance of Assistance and Allocation Agreements.

Is there anything I need to do now to prepare?

Current myCDFIFund users will be receiving e-mails soon, asking you to "clean up" and re-validate some of the data/information we have for your organization, as well as other program-specific details. Keep an eye out for this notification, directions, and timeline to complete.

Additional questions?

We are actively developing additional communications to assist you with the transition to AMIS, including training materials such as web-based training and webinars, updates to the website, and a list of frequently asked questions. Keep an eye out for additional communications coming your way!

Questions regarding AMIS can be submitted to the CDFI Fund IT Help Desk at To learn more about the CDFI Fund and its programs, please visit

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