FY 2015 CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Update: Term Sheets

The CDFI Fund has posted sample term sheets for the fiscal year (FY) 2015 CDFI Bond Guarantee Program to its website as a resource for potential applicants to the FY 2015 round. These documents describe the terms and conditions for the financial structure utilized under the program and the new Alternative Financial Structure (AFS) introduced this round. The terms and conditions outlined in both term sheets are for illustrative purposes only, and are subject to further modification by the CDFI Fund. The draft term sheets are additions to the FY 2015 Guarantee Application.

Both term sheets can be found on the CDFI Fund's website at www.cdfifund.gov/bond in the Program Statute, Regulations and Legal Documents section, below the Application Materials section.


Inquiries regarding legal documents related to the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program should be directed to the CDFI Fund's Office of Legal Counsel via email at legal@cdfi.treas.gov.

For more information about the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, please visit www.cdfifund.gov/bond, or email the CDFI Fund's Help Desk at bgp@cdfi.treas.gov.

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