Annual CIIS Public Data Release on CDFI Program Recipient Reporting

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) released today an additional year of data provided by Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) through its data collection system, known as the Community Investment Impact System (CIIS) , representing 14 years of data. The data collected covers fiscal years (FYs) 2003 through 2016.

The release contains Institution Level Report (ILR) data on 855 CDFIs that have reported to CIIS. In general, these CDFIs have provided information on their operation, financial status, and impact in their communities. A previous data release in 2017 consisted of ILR data on 823 CDFIs that had reported to CIIS from FYs 2003 through 2015.

Additionally, the CDFI Fund released Transaction Level Report (TLR) data to the public detailing how CDFIs provide loans and investments in low-income communities. The data file includes the features and location of over 500,000 individual loans and investments totaling more than $39 billion made by 461 CDFIs. A previous data release in 2017 consisted of TLR data on 433 CDFIs that had reported to CIIS from FY 2003 through 2015.

Data Background

As part of compliance requirements, award recipients under the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) are required to submit information through CIIS within six months after the close of their fiscal year. This includes the Institution Level Report (ILR) and the Transaction Level Report (TLR). The ILR release includes a total of 203 variables and 4,115 observations describing CDFIs' profiles such as the ethnic and geographic areas that a CDFI had served, staffing levels, financial status, and services and training provided.

The TLR release includes a total of 50 variables and 513,705 observations detailing CDFIs' financing activities in an area, including loan or investment structure and location. Documentation of the data is provided in several reports detailing the CIIS CDFI Program data. All ILR and TLR data released to the public are masked to protect the identity of individual CDFIs.

2018 CDFI Program CIIS Data Release (Data Reported Through FY 2016):

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